
Made & Hosted in Germany With CCM19 you can realize Cookie Consent DSGVO and TDDDG compliant and that for smaller sites as well as for large multinational corporate sites.
CCM19 hosts all data in Germany, no US providers like AWS or Google Cloud are used and is not based on TCF.

CCM19 sets standards in the clarity of communication, customizability of the banner, clarity of the user interface and usability for marketing optimizations corresponded.

CCM19 is now used by 186.818 site operators in Germany and also internationally.

CCM19 - high approval rates, high legal security, DSGVO and TDDDG compliant, friendly and German speaking support.

Get Cookies Done!


Cookie Consent Manager CCM19 - Security

Store data DSGVO compliant

CCM19 stores data for security reasons only on servers that:

  1. are located within the scope of the DSGVO, primarily in Germany
  2. are not hosted by one of the large cloud providers offered by companies from the USA

Since the ECJ ruling of 16.07.2020, it is clear that the so-called Privacy Shield is invalid. The transfer of personal data to the USA is no longer legally compliant under this shield. This simply means that "most US service providers may not be used with it" (https://www.tigges.legal/jus-letter-datenschutz-eu-us-privacy-shield-unwirksam.html)

In addition, the so-called Cloud Act (https://www.heise.de/select/ix/2018/7/1530927567503187) allows US authorities to access stored data even if the storage does not take place in the USA at all. In other words, even if the servers of the American cloud providers are located in Germany, there is still potential access by the US authorities.

Taken together, it currently appears impossible to store personal data such as consent data directly on servers of US providers.



Fulfillment of the documentation obligation

The GDPR imposes a documentation obligation for the storage of the consent(s) given. As a website operator, you must be able to prove at any time that visitor X has given consent Y. Ideally, this should be recorded in a searchable log file. Ideally, this is recorded in a searchable log file - so that the operator can verify the consent at any time.

Article 5 (2) of the GDPR defines "accountability". Controllers must be able to demonstrate compliance with certain data protection principles for which they are responsible. Art. 24 (1) GDPR specifies that data controllers are obliged to provide evidence that data processing is carried out in compliance with the GDPR.

Unfortunately, this means that many simple cookie banner scripts fall by the wayside: A corresponding log file, which is appropriately anonymized and can only be de-anonymized at the moment of the request with the help of the requestor, is usually not available.



CCM19 Cookie Consent Log


Cookie banner animated

The heart of CCM19 for your website, online store or other application - the Cookie Banner. With this banner you realize on your website the necessary consent to set various cookies and to run (tracking) scripts.

Here you can see the banner in action - there are in the first window the 3 options that are mandatory, reject, information and accept. Each button can be (de)activated individually - and as the operator you have the possibility to edit and design them individually.

With the banner the Consent is set, which you as an operator must also document. The consents are stored anonymously in encrypted form. An AVV is therefore not mandatory, we offer it of course gladly at any time.

The protocol is of course permanently visible in the administration.

Automatic privacy policy

We maintain a database for you with the most common providers and scripts that process data, currently well over 1,000 providers each placing 1-30 or more cookies or other elements in your visitors' browsers.

For your privacy policy, simply tick the providers you use in CCM19 and integrate this data there using a dynamic placeholder.

In this way, all data in your privacy policy and in your Consent Banner are always identical, there are no inconsistencies and your privacy policy is always automatically up to date.

Start and integrate now for free


Cookie database


Cookie database

During the onboarding process the CCM19 scanner checks your website and lists all found cookies and scripts and enters them into the CCM19.

Of course you can extend these entries manually at any time with your own individual entries that may exist. We are also happy to add these entries to our database - just contact us.

You can also add new entries directly from our database.

Furthermore the CCM19 permanently checks for new cookies or scripts with the so called Health / Pagecheck.


Available as OnPremise / Download

CCM19 is the only cross-system and multi-domain cookie consent management system that you can install on-premise / download on your own infrastructure.

If you value full control over your data, CCM19 is the right choice.

The on-premise / download versions contain all the features of the cloud versions and are the optimal alternative to the cloud version from a data protection point of view.

High Quality



Also runs as container image

CCM19 as download version runs of course also in Docker / Kubernetes or other containers.

Since September 2021 we also deliver a version with MongoDB as database layer - so that data storage can also be done natively in containers and replication is possible without any problems.


Statistics and A/B tests integrated

In CCM19 many tariffs include detailed and of course fully anonymized statistics. Some core data is collected for each visit to the website and stored anonymously - without reference to individual visitors.

Core data is collected like:

  • Which buttons were clicked how often
  • How high is the bounce rate
  • Split into mobile / desktop and much more.

You can use the A/B test tool to run different banner themes against each other to find out which banner delivers the best content data.

After analyzing 100 million consents data from the recent past, only this generic data is collected. Less than 1% make individual decisions and are therefore not very relevant for optimizations.

Start and embed now for free

A/B tests and statistics



With CCM19 you can query the Consent per subdirectory or per language.

You have e.g. an international website and for 3 languages subdirectories de/, en/ and es/ - and you want to set individual consents and scripts for each language?

With CCM19 no problem, just create the appropriate entries in the edit mask and off you go.

The consents are of course also recorded per subdirectory, you can design everything indidivually per subdirectory, layout, texts, language settings and used scripts and cookies.


Optically everything customizable

CCM19 can of course be designed and laid out in any way, and always to match the CI of the site in question.

Default positions:

  1. Center, blocking
  2. Top, blocking
  3. Bottom, blocking and non-blocking
  4. Bottom left, blocking and non-blocking
  5. Bottom right, blocking and non-blocking

Blocking here means that visitors cannot enter the page before they have given their consent

Of course, you can also reject everything - this is also a consent.

Start now for free

Cookie Banner Layouts and Designs

Cookie banner layout


The possibilities are almost endless. You can colorize the most important elements by buttons and (de)activate a lot of different functions like

  • Show setting icon
  • Respect Do not Track
  • Position / order of the buttons
  • Show logo
  • Customize fonts
  • and much more

In addition, in many tariffs you have the possibility to define individual CSS settings with which you can bring the banner in a completely arbitrary form.

In the Themebuilder itself you will also be made aware that the contrast of the buttons are high enough, an important feature for accessibility.

CCM19 automatically scans and checks your website for existing cookies, local storage or other storage or script elements that are executed in your page at every 2nd call.

The scan is done natively from the visitor's browser as well as via the CCM19 scanner, so all - really all - individual subpages of your website are checked regularly.

If new elements are found, you will be notified and the CCM19 administration will list where on which page the elements were found.

So you will be informed if employees include scripts or other elements, but these are not listed in the Consent Banner or foreign elements were integrated into your page from external.




With CCM19 you can transfer the consent that your visitors have given to other domains or even subdomains in many tariffs, so that the visitors do not have to confirm the banner there again.

This also works without 3rd party cookies which are no longer used except by Chrome.

With subdomains it is even easier, because the set cookie can also apply to the subdomains, a consent can be transferred here without any problems.

You can also transfer the consent to iframes - otherwise a consent would have to be given there as well, this may be necessary if you integrate data from other websites, for example.

Of course, this type of consent transfer is also documented.

Start now for free and try it out


Multilingualism fully integrated

CCM19 is multilingual by default, the data is translated into all major languages. This is of course also true for the cookie database.

CCM19 can recognize languages either automatically or you set the language manually via the embedded link.

So it can make sense on english speaking pages to show the mask in english instead of german like it would be with an automatic language detection via the browser settings otherwise.

Generally the system can be extended by any language at any time, in the agency or ICMP versions you can also add languages yourself and translate them.





GEO targeting in real time

With the help of an integrated GEO database, you can e.g. set that visitors from outside the EU do not get a content banner displayed, for this usually does not apply to the GDPR and cookie banners do not have to be displayed.

All other visitors will of course still get the banner displayed so that you can meet the requirements of the GDPR.

Start now for free and try it out


Tag Manager Functionality

A particularly important feature that many other providers do not provide is the use as a tag manager. This means, for example, you do not enter your tracking or other scripts in the page, but directly via the Cookie Consent Tool.

This is because, as a matter of principle, pages must be designed to be data-saving. This means that as long as there is no effectively granted consent, no cookie or tracking script may be set.

If, for example, the consent screen is not displayed or cannot be displayed and the tracking or other scripts start without consent, exactly what the law wants to prevent happens. For this reason, the scripts should not be blocked, but should only be included once consent has been granted for them.

Especially in the context of the new TDDDG, this is really important!

But as long as you have full control over it with CCM19, you should rely on the tag manager principle - whereby the Google Tag Manager is not meant here - but with that CCM19 of course also works!




NoLabel possible in every version

In each version it is possible to buy NoLabel licenses, both in the full service / cloud area and for the download versions.

With the help of the NoLabel license you can remove the link to CCM19 in the banner.


Possible layouts


Works in any system

The CCM19 Cookie Consent Tool works in every CMS and store system and can also be individually adapted to special challenges.

The only important thing is that our script is integrated first in the page, before all other scripts. Almost all providers allow this.

Of course you can also use CCM19 for modern headless structures and implementations, as well as for single page websites. After the consent all script elements are activated without reload.

For CCM19 it is irrelevant which programming language your CMS or store system uses, because CCM19 is executed in the browser and not on the server there are no restrictions!







