The CCM19 FREE Account - definitely NO cost - remains free forever and permanently!
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194.834 other website owners already trust in CCM19
Become part of our family! At CCM19 no data is stored at US providers or transferred there. All data is stored on German servers with German providers, more about this topic you can find here.

Register now for free and try it out - no risk!
The free rate includes all standard features of CCM19 incl. 5.000 page impressions per month. If you exceed this limit, there will be NO costs! Of course you can cancel or delete the account at any time.
Free protection against DSGVO penalties
Hosted in Germany
All services, all offers completely hosted in Germany - no transfer of data to US providers. 100% DSGVO compliant! Of course incl. AVV on request.
Cookies autom. blocked
With the help of the integrated onboarding mechanism, all known cookies are detected, blocked and correctly described fully automatically. After setup you don't have to worry about anything!
Customer satisfaction
Our German-speaking and competent support solves all your problems and inquiries.
CMS / Shop Systems
CCM19 supports all CMS & Shop Systems that are able to integrate Javascript / HTML Snippets - what all modern systems can do nowadays! For many systems there are concrete instructions!