
What is a cookie banner?

A cookie banner is an upstream element of a website that allows visitors to make personal settings about which services they want to allow on this website and which not.

Above all, however, due to the requirements of DSGVO and TDDDG, the cookie banner must absolutely ensure that data processing operations only take place if the visitors to the website have actively consented. Cookie banners therefore use technical measures to ensure that all scripts on the website that collect personal data are blocked.

As a website operator, you must provide a cookie b anner to comply with the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation), as cookies and other data are counted as personal data.

It is necessary to use a cookie banner to obtain user consent for the use of cookies in accordance with data protection laws, such as the DSGVO and the TDDDG.

These laws require website operators to inform users about what cookies are set, what data they collect and for what purposes they are used. Obtaining consent is necessary to ensure users' data protection and to protect their privacy.

CCM19 offers cookie banners that comply with legal requirements and can be easily implemented on your website.

On this information page we list everything you as a website owner should know about cookie banners.

Cookie banner animated

  1. Do I need a cookie banner for my website?
  2. What are the requirements for cookie banners?
  3. Cookie Banner integrated in 5 minutes!
  4. What must be included in the cookie banner?
  5. Cookie Banner Categories
  6. Data per integration / script
  7. How does a cookie banner work?
  8. 1. Cookie Banner Blocking
  9. 2. Cookie Banner as Tag Manager
  10. How to create a GDPR compliant cookie banner
  11. Cookie Banner and TDDDG
  12. The relevant passage in the TDDDG from the new § 25 reads:
  13. High fines loom in the new TDDDG
  14. Is your website affected? Test it now free of charge!
  15. From when does the TDDDG apply?
  16. What does a cookie banner bring me?
  17. Cookie Banner Generator
  18. Cookie Banner Design / Cookie Banner Layout
  19. Standard positions:
  20. What is a Cookie Consent Manager?
  21. What does Consent / Consent Management mean?
  22. Which cookies are allowed?
  23. What are technically necessary cookies?
  24. What is stored in a cookie?
  25. Does my cookie banner have to contain a link to my privacy policy?
  26. Does my cookie banner have to contain a link to my imprint?
  27. Can I use a Cookie Banner in combination with the Google Tag Manager (GTM)?
  28. What choices / confirmation types should my cookie banner offer?
  29. How can my website visitor revoke his cookie decision?
  30. Optimize Cookie Banner OptIn Rate
  31. How many users reject cookies or accept cookies?
  32. Are cookie banners mandatory?
  33. noyb wants to put an end to cookie banners
  34. New browser signal aims to make cookie banners obsolete
  35. Are cookie banners compliant with the GDPR?
  36. What legal requirements must be met by a cookie banner?
  37. How can I make my cookie banner compliant with the GDPR?
  38. Are there differences in legal requirements for cookie banners in different countries or regions?
  39. What types of cookies need to be listed in my cookie banner?
  40. What happens if I don't have a cookie banner on my website or it doesn't meet the legal requirements?


Whether you need a cookie banner for your website or not depends entirely on whether there are tools on your website that store cookies or other elements in your visitors' browsers.

Generally, a distinction is made between technically necessary cookies (for which you do not need a banner) and other cookies. These can be, for example, cookies from Google Analytics, the Google Tag Manager or Youtube videos.

Special care is required if you transfer data to companies outside the EU. Here, the GDPR does not apply and special requirements for user consent apply.

If you can't answer directly off the top of your head whether you are setting appropriate cookies or data, you can check it directly here.

The scanner will check your site and as a result will indicate whether you need a cookie banner or not.

Do I need a cookie banner for my website?


What are the requirements for Cookie Banner?

The GDPR / General Data Protection Regulation and the new TDDDG require the prior, informed consent of your website users. In addition, the GDPR requires - and this is important! - that you must document any consent in the cookie banner.

To implement the site in a DSGVO-compliant and TDDDG-compliant manner, the Cookie Banner must be part of a cookie consent management solution for your website, so that the following 4 points are covered!

  1. To make an informed decision, you must provide visitors with detailed, specific and accurate information about all scripts and cookies used on the website in the Cookie Banner.
  2. Visitors must be able to consent or withhold consent to each script and cookie , and you must be able to easily revoke that consent at any time!
  3. Cookies may only be set after consent (Consent) and this consent must be documented.
  4. Regular renewal of your visitors' consent, preferably every 6 to max. 12 months is necessary. Check the respective regulations in your country.

Here you can see how to integrate a CCM19 Cookie Banner into a website in 5 minutes. You don't believe? Then go ahead!


The cookie banner, the first banner that opens when you enter a website for the first time, must contain text, buttons and links.

First of all, there should be a short text explaining what the banner is for, what happens when the various buttons are clicked, and what happens when you click "Accept" and, most importantly, how to reject cookies!

Under this text there are usually 3 different buttons:

  1. Accept - this is where you accept all cookies and scripts.
  2. Reject - if you click here, only technically necessary cookies will be set.
  3. More information or settings - this opens another window where additional detailed information about all cookies and scripts can be found.

Below the buttons there should be links to privacy information and the site's imprint. Both pages must be callable without blocking the content and without setting cookies!

Cookie banner



CCM19 Consent Widget

After clicking on"Information" the following window should open.

Here the available categories are listed, which are currently estimated by leading lawyers as legally usable and thus also appear in various guidelines or judgments.

  1. Technically necessary
  2. Advertisements / Ads
  3. Analysis / Statistics
  4. Personalization
  5. Social Media
  6. Other

You can define a hint text for each category here and visitors can check/uncheck each category. Of course, the category "Technically necessary" must be kept, otherwise the website would not work correctly. So cookies from this category may always be set.

This banner should contain both the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons. Additionally, buttons like "accept / reject all" can be included.

Next to the categories there is a button/link with a question mark, which, when clicked, opens another window with detailed information about the individual scripts and cookies.


In the detail view all data about all scripts are listed in detail. Among other things:

Data per integration / script

  1. Who did the script come from?
  2. Description of what it does
  3. Link to the respective privacy policy of the producer
  4. What data is collected in detail?
  5. For what purpose is the data collected?
  6. What cookies, local storage elements or other data are stored in the visitor's browser, how long are they stored and how are they stored?
  7. Legal basis
  8. Place of data processing

You can explicitly check and uncheck each inclusion here. To (de)activate cookies individually is not technically possible in most cases, so we have switched to listing and displaying them in a package with the respective script / tool.

With the close/save button, the data is transferred and stored in the browser of the browser. This so-called Consent is also stored anonymously in the Consent Management System.

It is of course possible to save the IP as well, but this should be avoided, as this is again a personal data element, which could again require consent on its own.

Cookie banner detail information


Technically, a cookie banner works in two different variants. However, the result is the same in both variants: Scripts are executed in a controlled manner by the visitor, which place cookies or other elements in the visitor's browser....

This method is the most commonly used, as it requires almost no changes to the source code of the page. The only thing that needs to be done is to integrate the script tag with the cookie banner into the page.

The banner then blocks the execution of the scripts to be blocked (e.g. Google Analytics) in the page with the help of certain technical measures.

In this variant, the cookie banner works as a tag manager. The desired scripts (e.g. Google Analytics) are entered in the Cookie Consent Manager. The Consent Manager then plays the banner for your page.

If now a Consent is reached, i.e. the visitor accepts the setting of the cookies, the script will be executed first.

Attention, to be really sure and to comply with the TDDDG and DSGVO required approach of data economy, variant 2 is actually the recommended variant.

How does a cookie banner work?


compliant cookie banner

To create a cookie banner that is DSGVO compliant and TDDDG compliant, YOU need a specialized provider.

Most simple cookie banner scripts you can find unfortunately do not include essential points like detailed information, documentation of consent or detailed listing of providers at all!

If you use a non-compliant banner here that does not meet the above requirements, it can get very expensive very quickly in case of warning letters.

To create a DSGVO compliant / TDDDG compliant cookie banner, simply sign up for free here and go through the automatic scan in Onboarding. This process usually takes 2-3 minutes.

After that, everything is set up and you can integrate the Cookie Banner script into your site.

Check your own website for free now


On 20.05.2021, the German Bundestag passed the new TDDDG, which newly regulates the use and consent of cookies and any other information in the visitor's browser. Particular attention should be paid here to the fines that come into play.

The relevant passage in the TDDDG from the new § 25 reads:

The storage of information in the end user's terminal equipment or access to information already stored in the terminal equipment is only permitted if the end user has consented on the basis of clear and comprehensive information. The information of the end user and the consent have to be provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

In addition to cookies, this of course also concerns

  • Local Storage,
  • Session storage
  • as well as database data

In other words, all data that is stored in the browser.

High fines loom in the new TDDDG

If website operators do not take this into account, they will face high fines - up to 300,000 EUR can be imposed as fines. Presumably, this amount will only be imposed in individual cases, which is then at the discretion of the fine authority.

§ Section 26 Rules on fines

(1) It shall be an administrative offense for anyone who intentionally or negligently ... stores or accesses information in contravention of the first sentence of Section 25 (1).

(2) The administrative offense may be punished in the cases of paragraph 1 number 2, 3, 9, 11, 12 and 13 with a fine of up to three hundred thousand euros, .....

Cookie Banner and TDDDG



Is your website affected? Test it now free of charge!

You can test whether it affects you directly here with our Cookie Scanner. If cookies or other elements appear in the result that are not exclusively listed under the category "Technically necessary", you need a Cookie Banner from CCM19.

From when does the TDDDG apply?

The law comes into force on 01.12.2021 - so there are still a few months left until then to get the problem under control.


For you as an operator, a cookie banner brings one thing above all: security.

Since no analysis scripts or other useful tools can be used without sufficient consent and the management of consent, you need a cookie banner, for example, to be able to continue to evaluate your marketing measures within the usual framework.

Only with the help of a consent management software or a cookie banner you can reliably prove that there is a consent for the execution of the scripts.

The DSGVO and the new TDDDG are sufficiently strict and punished with fines, so that the use of a banner is usually mandatory if you want to continue to run your online business!

And yes - the use of e.g. Matomo on your craftsman page is definitely part of it.

What does a cookie banner do for me?


Cookie Banner Generator

A cookie banner generator automatically creates a cookie banner suitable for your website or online store.

Usually you go through a multi-step process in which:

  1. Your website is scanned
  2. Cookies and other data recognized and categorized
  3. Privacy and imprint read out
  4. Cookie banner designs pre-populated
  5. And an HTML snippet to be integrated is generated.

This snippet you must then only integrate into your page, which can then look like this:

Code snippet

CCM19 is e.g. such a cookie banner generator - and even a so-called cookie content management system.

Start now for free and try it out


Cookie banners can of course be designed and laid out in any way, and always in accordance with the CI of the respective page. Initially, however, the main question is where to place the banner on the page.

Standard positions:

  1. Center, blocking
  2. Top, blocking
  3. Bottom, blocking and non-blocking
  4. Bottom left, blocking and non-blocking
  5. Bottom right, blocking and non-blocking

Blocking means that visitors cannot use the page before interacting with the cookie banner. So you have to agree or disagree with the cookies.

Try for free now.

Cookie Banner Design / Cookie Banner Layout


A Cookie Consent Manager is a software that not only creates a cookie banner, but also manages, controls, and stores the consents that visitors give through the website.

Also, the platform periodically scans your site for new cookies and scripts and alerts you about them.

With the help of a Cookie Consent Manager, you can comply with the requirements of the GDPR and the TDDDG and can correctly implement the legally compliant collection, storage and management of consents from consumers for the processing of personal data, contacting for advertising purposes or similar.


What is a Cookie Consent Manager?


What does Consent / Consent Management mean?

Consent management simply means consent management, in this context the management of consents via the cookie banner of your own website.

In order to use cookies in a legally compliant manner for visitors or customers in accordance with the DSGVO / General Data Protection Regulation, you need a cookie banner that manages the consents in a legally compliant manner, records them and makes them available again on request.

Visitors must also be able to change this consent on their own via the website, for which you also need a suitable tool such as CCM19.

Start now for free and try it out



Which cookies are allowed?

In principle, all cookies are allowed, but you must obtain consent via a cookie banner before setting the cookies in the browser.

Only technically necessary cookies, such as for the shopping cart, language settings or login status, may be set without consent.

Generally, cookies or their scripts are assigned to these categories:

  1. Technically necessary
  2. Display / Ads
  3. Analysis / Statistics
  4. Personalization
  5. Social Media
  6. Other

For all cookies except those assigned to the "Technically Necessary" category, you need visitors' consent before they can be set.

Which cookies are allowed?


What are technically necessary cookies?

Technically necessary cookies are, as their name suggests, cookies that are necessary for the correct operation of a website or online store.

These can be, for example, cookies that contain the state of the shopping cart or the selected language or a login state.

Technically necessary cookies may be set at any time without the consent of the visitor, sometimes even without documentation.

However, we always recommend that you sufficiently document technically necessary cookies in your cookie banner.


What are technically necessary cookies?


What is stored in a cookie?

Almost any data can be stored in cookies, but basically the storage space per cookie is limited to 4kB.

What data is actually stored depends entirely on the provider of a cookie. Some store only a simple ID - so for example a UserID like 14839457, others store detailed GEO information in the cookie to check which location visitors of the website have.

To find out what the cookies store, you can go to the developer console in the browser and look at the contents of the cookies, but this is very technical.

Additionally, the information in the cookies is often encrypted as well, so the data is not easily decipherable.

For this reason, cookie banners are important because almost any personal information can be stored and transported in the cookies and with the help of the scripts that set these cookies.


A cookie banner does not necessarily have to contain a link to the privacy policy, however, the conditions under which this would not be necessary are difficult to establish.

In this respect, it makes sense that your cookie banner contains the link to the privacy policy.

Above all, it is important that

  1. the privacy policy is accessible without the cookie banner
  2. the cookie banner does not obscure it
  3. no cookies are set on the privacy policy page for which consent would be required.

So make sure that the link is included in cookie banners, because you must be able to explain the privacy policy according to DSGVO before cookies are set by third-party providers.

Privacy policy


Must my cookie banner contain a link to my imprint

A link to the imprint should also be included in the cookie banner.

It is especially important that

  1. the imprint is accessible without the cookie banner,
  2. the cookie banner does not cover the imprint
  3. and that no cookies are set on the imprint page for which a consent would be necessary.

So make sure that the link is included in cookie banners, because you must be able to provide the imprint legibly according to DSGVO / Data Protection Regulation before cookies are set by third parties and also before visitors enter your actual site.

Start now for free and try it out


Theoretically and practically you can use the Google Tag Manager together with a Cookie Banner from CCM19.

A detailed tutorial is available, the implementation is relatively complex - if you work with the Google Tag Manager you know that.

Despite all this, there is a very significant problem here. The integration of the Google Tag Manager itself is subject to consent according to DSGVO, TDDDG and other judgments. I.e. only after Consent the script may be loaded.

To avoid this problem, you can use CCM19 itself as a tag manager, in many constellations this is a sensible default setting!

If you do not want to do this, keep this problem in mind, it will almost certainly lead to a legal problem with your website at some point.


Google Tag Manager



Selection options

Cookie banners should generally provide a choice for all scripts used that process personal data and are not technically necessary.

The choices are usually tiered by category, these are usually:

  1. Technically necessary
  2. Advertisements / Ads
  3. Analysis / Statistics
  4. Personalization
  5. Social Media
  6. Other

In addition, it is necessary that in each category each individual tool that you include or use is sorted into the respective categories and can be (de)activated.

These settings are confirmed normally with the help of buttons and checkboxes in forms.


Visitors to your website should be able to revoke the cookie decision as quickly and as easily as you have given it - this results from the GDPR.

With CCM19 we give you 2 possibilities.

  1. Via a link to be inserted - which you enter manually in your page e.g. in the footer of the page. A click on this link opens the settings mask where the visitor can revoke the decision completely or in parts.
  2. Via an automatically displayed icon in the page - that you can also see here in the lower left corner. A click on it also opens the Consent mask with the corresponding setting options.
    Feel free to try it out!

Of course, the revocation is also documented and can be checked in case of an inquiry.

Check your own website free of charge now

Cookie decision revoked



An important point for many companies is to increase the opt-in rates for cookie banners. Basically, more than 90% of the visitors would rather not agree, which is a problem for many companies if they want to play out personalized advertising.

Therefore, the topic of cookie banner optimization has been developing for some time, where it takes real specialists to implement the topic.

When optimizing banners to increase the consent rate, you must always keep in mind that the line between an effective and a legally prohibited permission request is often very narrow and is also constantly shifting due to recent rulings.

Some basic rules usually already help to achieve better OptIn rates.

  1. Introduce a friendly wording
  2. Show trust signals already on the banner
  3. Optimize the color of the buttons - but make sure that you do not use so-called "dark patterns" - these are in a very dark gray legal gray area.

Cookie Consent Manager CCM19


How many users reject cookies or accept cookies?


What percentage of your visitors fully accept your cookie banners or only the technical minimum depends on very many factors, such as:

  • Design
  • Colors
  • Trust
  • Positioning
  • Blocking
  • and much more.

Basically it can be said that only about 1/3 of the visitors accept all cookies without further optimization measures.

Another third accepts the technically necessary ones, the rest rejects everything but accepts the technically necessary cookies.


Of course, cookie banners are not mandatory. As long as you do not use cookies or other storage technologies or only technically necessary, you do not need a cookie banner

However, it looks different as soon as you use tools or scripts that transfer data abroad, set cookies, local storage elements or other data in the browser of your visitors.

As soon as you use these, cookie banners are indispensable for you because you cannot set these data without the consent of your visitors - each of them individually.

Cookie banner mandatory


Tearful headline, but what is meant is that operators of non-compliant banners are written to by the association and receive a letter of complaint.

Operators who do not correct the banners will be reported to the relevant data protection authorities, which can then result in heavy fines.

The points that are most noted are the following:

  1. No reject button on the first level (81%)
  2. Pre-checked options (15%)
  3. Link instead of a button to decline (51%)
  4. Poor contrast for reject button (73%)
  5. High contrast for agree buttons (73%)
  6. Cookies all under "legitimate interest" (27%)
  7. Cookies incorrectly sorted under "Technically Necessary" (21%)
  8. Not as easy to revoke as to agree (90%)

It is astonishing that there are actually still operators who use the preceding options.

These are all points that we agree with, the only point where we disagree is the highlighting of the agree button. Provided that the reject button is displayed in the same way, the operator is allowed to highlight the agree button.

All points are also easily implemented with CCM19.




noyb and CSL of WU Vienna publish the specification and a prototype.

In the meantime Noyb has also made a proposal how to make a lot of banner queries obsolete. With the help of a technical specification and a browser extension they want to show that cookie banners are not needed.

The problem is unfortunately twofold, it will be difficult to understand these settings not as a super tracking cookie and it remains the duty of the operators cookies and scripts only after consent to set.

I.e. even in the event that this will eventually prevail, the banners will at most more often invisible, but still be present. Simply because they take care of the playout of the cookies and scripts and comply with the mandatory documentation obligation and there may be visitors who do not send the signal.



Cookie Consent Manager CCM19

In order to make your website compliant with the GDPR, we believe that you definitely need a cookie banner.

The DSGVO / Data Protection Regulation and recently also the current TDDDG clearly stipulate that cookies may only be set with the consent of the visitor.

DSGVO compliant - this is how a cookie banner must be structured:

A DSGVO compliant cookie banner allows visitors to your website to decide which cookies and scripts may be set, CCM19 is such a cookie banner and offers you the technical security that this function is also guaranteed.

In addition to the existential cookies, which are used to display the website properly, there are also functional and analytical cookies, which are intended to help the website operator to better tailor its offer to the user and generate more customers or interested parties. Of course, the website operator is responsible for the DSGVO-compliant design of the cookie consent banner.



A cookie banner must meet several legal requirements to comply with data protection laws, such as the GDPR and the TDDDG. These include:

  1. Transparently inform about the use of cookies and their purposes: Users should be informed about which cookies are set, what data they collect and for what purposes they are used.
  2. Obtain user consent before setting cookies that are not necessary: Consent is not required only for strictly necessary cookies. For all other cookies, such as analytics, marketing or tracking cookies, active consent from users is required.
  3. Give users the ability to revoke their consent or change their settings: Users should be able to review and change their cookie settings at any time.
  4. Log and retain user consent: Website operators must be able to prove that they have properly obtained users' consent.

CCM19 can help you comply with these requirements and ensure that your cookie banner complies with current data protection laws. Our service offers easy implementation, customization options and continuous updates to help you comply with the law.


CCM19 - Cookie Consent Tool



To design a DSGVO compliant cookie banner, you should follow the steps below:

  1. Provide transparent information: Inform users clearly and understandably about the cookies used, their purposes and the type of data collected. Make sure the information is easily accessible and understandable.

  2. Obtain active consent: make sure your cookie banner obtains users' consent for the use of non-essential cookies before activating them. Use clear consent mechanisms, like buttons or checkboxes. Things like "consent by use" or pre-selected options are not allowed.
  3. Provide choices: Give users the ability to customize their cookie settings and accept or reject different categories of cookies.
  4. Allow revocation and changes: Allow users to revoke their consent or change their cookie settings at any time. Provide an easily accessible option on your website to do this.
  5. Log consents: Keep records of user consents to meet legal requirements and provide evidence in the event of an audit.
  6. Keep track of updates: Keep your cookie banner and privacy policy up to date to reflect changes in legal requirements or the cookies you use.




Yes, there are differences in the legal requirements for cookie banners in different countries or regions. Although the GDPR applies across the European Union, some countries have enacted additional national laws, such as the TDDDG in Germany. These laws may impose additional requirements on the design and implementation of cookie banners.

It is important to be aware of the applicable laws in the countries and regions where your website operates and ensure that your cookie banner complies with these requirements.

CCM19 provides support for legal compliance in different countries and regions and ensures that your cookie banner meets the respective requirements.




Your cookie banner should list all cookies used and divide them into different categories. Usually, cookies are divided into the following categories, and often there are further sub-categories:

  1. Technically necessary cookies: these cookies are necessary to enable basic website functions, such as navigation, access to protected areas and security functions. User consent is not required for these cookies.
  2. Functional cookies: these cookies enable additional functions and personalized settings, such as saving language settings or displaying embedded videos. User consent is required for these cookies.
  3. Analytics and performance cookies: these cookies collect information about user behavior and use of the website in order to measure and improve its performance. User consent is also required for these cookies.
  4. Marketing and targeting cookies: these cookies are used to display personalized advertising and track user behavior across different websites. User consent is essential for these cookies.

CCM19 helps you list all cookies used on your cookie banner and classify them into the appropriate categories. We help you comply with legal requirements and be transparent with your users.


Cookie banner detail information


GDPR penalties

If you do not have a cookie banner on your website or it does not comply with the legal requirements, this can lead to significant fines and sanctions. Data protection authorities can impose fines based on the severity of the breach and your company's annual turnover. In some cases, these penalties can be as high as 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million, whichever is greater.

In addition, failure to comply with cookie banner requirements can lead to a loss of trust with your users and a negative image of your business.

With CCM19, you can ensure that your cookie banner complies with legal requirements and protects you from potential penalties. Our service offers easy implementation, ongoing updates and customization options to create a DSGVO and TDDDG compliant cookie banner for your website.





