




Provider / Vendor


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LinkedIn licdn



These cookies will be used in conjunction with LinkedIn.

Privacy link

What data is collected?

The provider does not provide any data on this point.

For what purpose is the data collected?

These cookies will be used in conjunction with LinkedIn.

Legal basis

Consent, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO

Place of processing

Sunnyvale, USA

Cookies used and other storage methods

Name Storage duration Storage location/type Content Link
bcookie2 yearsCookieThe cookie collects information about the browser used.More Infos...
bscookie1 yearCookieWith this cookie, the user can share messages on his own page. In addition, these cookies indicate how many people clicked through from LinkedIn, and the results of ads.More Infos...
langSessionCookieUsed to set the default languageMore Infos...
lidc1 dayCookieCookie is used for Linkedin Ad Analytics to transmit the routing of the user.More Infos...
lissc1 yearCookieUsed by the social networking service LinkedIn for tracking the use of embedded services.More Infos...
UserMatchHistory30 daysCookieUsed to enable retargetingMore Infos...
AnalyticsSyncHistory30 daysCookieThis cookie is used to store the time of synchronization with the cookie "lms_analytics" with users in the designated countries.More Infos...
li_gc24 monthsCookieUsed to store guests' consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes.More Infos...

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