
Version 2020.03.06 released today

91 commits have been added to our development server, including bugfixes as well as some useful enhancements.

  1. New languages were added ("fr", "es", "pt", "it", "nl", "pl", "ru")
  2. The language files have been translated, as well as the content for the languages - except for the cookies, this data has to be set individually anyway.
  3. Powered By Links can now be customized
  4. Implemented overlay to show cookie configuration in frontend
  5. Email for notification when call limit is exhausted

Languages can now be activated


Detailed changelog

  1. FIX: not all languages directly active - only DE / EN
  2. Transfer of the determined language to the widget template corrected
  3. Only show active languages as tabs in cookie management
  4. Enable/disable translations for frontend widget
  5. Consider user role when reading, editing and deleting via customer API
  6. Added language extension also for content, adjusted templates and CSS to show all languages, activated hook for language
  7. Added more languages and translations to the backend
  8. Always save repo after deleting a domain now; override parameters
  9. Update version names when making a zip archive
  10. Added modular components for "Powered by" configuration
  11. Unified spacing between legend and .panel-body
  12. License key is now sent to update server
  13. Template for placeholder extended by data protection URL and company headquarters
  14. Reloading after deletion of unknown cookies disabled until further notice
  15. Runtime error when checking active cookies fixed
  16. Validation of user entries in customer administration optimized
  17. Documentation of request signature with Hawk extended
  18. "make translations" to update the translation file
  19. Corrections of translations
  20. Login license check: error message in log reformulated
  21. Caching of CSS route for frontend implemented
  22. Hosting dashboard chart
  23. Update notification emails when autoupdate inactive
  24. Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:papooteam/cookie-consent-management
  25. JS code comments cleaned up
  26. Fix: undeclared array in theme controller
  27. Cookie controller: CookieDB code cleaned up
  28. Small bugs in WidgetEmbedding and SetupWarningHandler fixed
  29. Warnings in Cookie-Model and -Controller fixed, minimal refactoring
  30. Fix Notices in ControllerUpdate
  31. Statistics in Hosting Dashboard
  32. Implemented overlay to display cookie configuration in frontend
  33. Email to notify when call limit is exhausted
  34. Counting and blocking of widget calls implemented
  35. Cronjob for integrity check of tariff parameters implemented
  36. Indicator for output of frontend widget in domain table added
  37. Output of the widget linked to the number of domains in the tariff
  38. ? {versionID} attached to included CSS/JS
  39. Twig variables moved to TwigGlobalsHandler
  40. Error email on failed auto update
  41. Loading classes needed at the end of the update
  42. Email sending: consider sendmail_path from php.ini
  43. Highlight selected domain with background color
  44. Added back link to leave meta sidebar
  45. Fixed pagination of the system log
  46. Remove logo entry from theme if file does not exist
  47. Output of active NoLabel licenses corrected
  48. AutoUpdate: e-mails on success and on wrong directory permissions
  49. Show version in footer
  50. Fixed return after login
  51. Use autowiring for cronjobs
  52. Added human readable version numbers
  53. instapaper_ignore CSS class to widget
  54. Various bugfixes
  55. AutoUpdate reworked
  56. Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:papooteam/cookie-consent-management
  57. Renamed hosting api to customer api... that's more appropriate
  58. Made customer password hashes editable via hosting API
  59. Adjusted error message for invalid payload; application/json
  60. Validation of license key via cronjob
  61. After auto update: reinitialize cache
  62. LoggerInterface introduced + More logging
  63. Image for setup added
  64. Data integrity ensured when running sequential cronjobs
  65. Critical bug in frontend API user handling fixed
  66. Hosting API placed under Customers menu item
  67. Implemented API endpoints for customer management (CRUD)
  68. SystemLog for hosting interface
  69. Autoupdate + system log
  70. Translations for Hosting-API area updated
  71. Basic framework of hosting API implemented
  72. Fixed syntax error in method signature
  73. Preparation Autoupdate
  74. Config not flagged as dirty if primitive datatype o. string unchanged
  75. Fixed distortion of custom backend logos in agency versions
  76. Set up NoLabel and powered-by link for agency version
  77. Migrated CCM19 license registration to API client
  78. Revised user navigation in case of invalid license
  79. Fixed incorrect object type
  80. Fix: Empty session on login
  81. Code refactoring: Update function moved to AppComponentUpdate
  82. Cronjob 'LicenseCheck' implemented
  83. Basic framework for cronjob execution added
  84. Error proneness when iterating domain data reduced
  85. NEW - in the domain manager now also the tariff base data are shown
  86. FIX variables error when entering a new domain
  87. Ensure that directories are created during update
  88. Setup and Update: Unzipping optimized
  89. Update to new system + translations
  90. Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:papooteam/cookie-consent-management
  91. NoLabel license count is now also used when creating / managing domains